雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Think International School / Kindergarten 117 Boundary St., Kowloon Tong Hong Kong Tel: +852 2338-3949 Fax: +852 2338-3153 Email: office@tis.edu.hk

  2. 地址 : 九龍九龍塘界限街117號。 學校地圖 ⛳. 電話 : 23383949 傳真 : 23383153. 電郵 : think_tis@think.edu.hk. 網址 : http://www.think.edu.hk. 朗思國際學校網站快照,攝於 2022-03-27. 相關影片. 我們使用搜索器去搜邏一些有提及到朗思國際學校的影片,希望帶來多方面的資訊去認識這學校。 國際學校概覽:私立獨立的國際學校、全年學費約 HKD $120,000;1968 年創立,位於九龍塘界限街;設有幼兒教育及小學部。

  3. ©1994-2024 by Think International Kindergarten/Nursery bottom of page ...

  4. Quality bilingual and international kindergarten education in Hong Kong ©1994-2024 by Think International Kindergarten/Nursery

  5. Bilingual. International. Programs. Nursery. Kindergarten. Philosophy & Curriculum. In the past thirty years, the level of usage in technology and artificial intelligence in our daily life has... Read more. Learning Contents. Our quality educational practice enables each child at Think to discover and unleash their potential and ... Read more.

  6. Think International School 地址: 九龍界限街117號地下及1樓 地圖: 點擊加載學校地圖 電話: 23383949 傳真: 23383153 電郵: thinkkg_kt@think.edu.hk 網址: https://www.think.edu.hk/ 校監:蔡麗如女士 校長:蔡麗如女士

  7. 朗思國際學校 (Think International School)是位處於九龍城區的一所國際學校。 學校為學生提供幼稚園 (Pre-school)、小學 (Primary) 的課程。 學校簡述 (School Description): Students in the 21st century are faced with the challenge of learning about an interconnected world where knowledge is constantly developing.

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