雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. an outer garment such as a jacket, overcoat, smock, etc.; an overcoat; a loose coat; an outer garment; a parka
    • 2. [Mechanics] a housing

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  2. disrobe uk / dɪsˈrəʊb/ us / dɪsˈroʊb/ verb formal or humorous. to remove your clothes, especially an outer or formal piece of clothing worn for ceremonies: 吸煙外套. smoking jacket uk / ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ˌdʒæk.ɪt/ us / ˈsmoʊ.kɪŋ ˌdʒæk.ɪt/ noun old-fashioned.

  3. 外套英文. 外套分成好幾種,在進行分類之前,先學會統稱、概括所有外套的 外套英文 吧! Outerwear. 外衣、外套(泛指任何穿在外面的衣物) It’s the current trend to wear a blanket scarf over an outerwear. 目前的潮流是在圍一條圍巾在外套上。 Coat. (通常指保暖的)外套,外衣,大衣. *Trench coat 風衣. *Waterproof coat 防水外衣. *Single-breasted coat 單排扣外套. *Double-breasted coat 雙排扣外套. Do your coat up, Joe, or you’ll freeze. 扣好外套,喬,不然你會凍壞的。

  4. disrobe uk / dɪsˈrəʊb/ us / dɪsˈroʊb/ verb formal or humorous. to remove your clothes, especially an outer or formal piece of clothing worn for ceremonies. 吸烟外套. smoking jacket uk / ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ ˌdʒæk.ɪt/ us / ˈsmoʊ.kɪŋ ˌdʒæk.ɪt/ noun old-fashioned.

  5. 在其他语言中. 外套. 英式英语: coat / kəʊt / NOUN. clothing A coat is a piece of clothing with long sleeves worn over your other clothes when you go outside. He put on his coat and walked out. 美式英语: coat / ˈkoʊt / 阿拉伯语: سُتْرَة. 巴西葡萄牙语: casaco. 简体中文: 外套. 克罗地亚语: kaput. 捷克语: kabát. 丹麦语: frakke. 荷兰语: jas. 欧洲西班牙语: abrigo. 芬兰语: takki. 法语: manteau. 德语: Mantel.

  6. 外套的英文單字英文翻譯及用法outer wear(總稱)外衣,外套;loose coat外套;outer garment外套;overcoat大衣; 外套; 保護層,護膜;coat上衣,外套;。漢英詞典提供【外套】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  7. 其他人也問了

  8. outer garment. 外套; outer wear. (总称)外衣,外套; coat. 外套,大衣; (动物)皮毛; 涂料层; 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. overcoat. coat. A black coat always looks smart and will never date. 黑色外套看起来总是很潇洒,而且永远也不会落伍。 柯林斯例句. In the basement fifteen employees are busy making bespoke coats. 在地下室里,15名员工正在忙着缝制定做的外套。 柯林斯例句.

  9. 外套. coat uk / kəʊt/ us / koʊt/ A1 noun. an outer piece of clothing with sleeves that is worn over other clothes, usually for warmth: Do your coat up, Joe, or you'll freeze. 扣好外套,乔,不然你会冻坏的。 See more. 粗活外套. barn coat uk / ˈbɑːn ˌkəʊt/ us / ˈbɑːrn ˌkoʊt/ noun US.

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