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  2. It is not a bank savings product. Your investments are subject to the credit risks of Zurich and other investment risks. Although your ILAS policy is a life insurance policy, the policy value is linked to the performance of the corresponding underlying funds of the investment choices as selected by you from time to time, and are subject to ...

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  3. It is not a bank savings product. Your investments are subject to the credit risks of Zurich and other investment risks. Although your ILAS policy is a life insurance policy, the policy value is linked to the performance of the corresponding underlying funds of the investment choices as selected by you from time to time, and are subject to ...

  4. 主頁. 客戶服務. 投資選項/投資選擇最新價格. 蘇黎世提供多種與投資有關的人壽保險計劃(「投資壽險保單」),供客戶選擇,以助他們達成其理財及保險目標。 蘇黎世人壽保險(香港)有限公司. 以下投資壽險保單由蘇黎世人壽保險(香港)有限公司發出: 瑞承投資計劃. 瑞豐投資計劃* 金尊寶* 至尊寶* 狀元寶* 富歲寶* 尚富寶* 盛富寶* 創富寶* 滙富寶* 有關由蘇黎世人壽保險(香港)有限公司發出的投資壽險保單下可選的投資選項/投資選擇最新價格資料: 按此瀏覽. 蘇黎世國際人壽保險有限公司. 以下投資壽險保單由蘇黎世國際人壽保險有限公司發出: 環球置業國際按揭計劃* 卓越精英國際投資計劃* 「樂安閑」計劃* 「樂安閑」III* 國際創富計劃* 「景緻人生」* 翱翔人生* 至尊國際儲蓄投資*

  5. It is not a bank savings product. Your investments are subject to the credit risks of Zurich and other investment risks. Although your ILAS policy is a life insurance policy, the policy value is linked to the performance of the corresponding underlying funds of the investment choices as selected by you from time to time, and are subject to ...

  6. 創富人生*、智富人生*、聚富人生*、尚富人生*、添富人生*、盛富人生計劃*及匯富人生保障計劃*是與投資有關的人壽保險計劃(個別稱為或統稱為「投資壽險保單」),並是由蘇黎世人壽(Zurich Assurance Ltd)(「蘇黎世」)發出的人壽保險保單。 此產品並非銀行存款產品。 您的投資須承受蘇黎世的信貸風險及其他投資風險。 儘管您的投資壽險保單是一份人壽保險保單,保單價值與您不時選擇的投資選擇相應的相關基金表現掛鉤,並受投資風險和市場波動影響。 保單價值與應付的利益有可能明顯少於已繳保費及未能滿足您的個別需要。 您投資的是一份投資壽險保單。 您就投資壽險保單繳付的保費以及蘇黎世於相關基金的任何投資將會成為並一直屬於蘇黎世資產的一部分。 您對該等資產並沒有任何權利或擁有權。

  7. 2022年3月2日 · UBS’ headquarters are in Zurich, while seven offices are spread worldwide. The bank offers many features with its banking packages, including personal accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, debit cards, digital banking, bonus programs, and other additional products.

  8. 2023年4月25日 · These are government-owned banks which only offer accounts to residents of the Swiss canton (region) they operate in. So essentially, they’re local banks. Zurich Cantonal Bank offers basic and premium banking packages, along with dedicated products for and