雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 浙江省,簡稱「浙」,是中華人民共和國 東部的一個沿海省份,位於長江三角洲南翼,北鄰上海市、江蘇省、西依安徽省、江西省、南接福建省,陸域面積10.55萬平方公里 [4],占全國的1.1%,是中國面積較小的省份之一。海域面積26萬平方公里,也是中國列島最多的省份。

  2. 5 天前 · Zhejiang, sheng (province) of southeastern China. It is one of the smallest province-level political units of China, but it is also one of the most densely populated and affluent. A coastal province, it is bounded by the East China Sea to the east, by the provinces of Fujian to the south, Jiangxi

  3. The Hangzhou area is noted for having the best tea in China. It's China's top tea city. Zhejiang is also noted for it's Buddhist temples and worship sites. Prehistoric times: Zhejiang is one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization. A great storehouse of

  4. 省會 杭州 ,位於 長江三角洲地區 [1] ,中國東南沿海,浙江界於 東經 118°01'~123°10', 北緯 27°02'~31°11'之間,東臨 東海 ,南接 福建 ,西與 安徽 、 江西 相連,北與 上海 、 江蘇 、 安徽 接壤,境內最大的河流 錢塘江 ,因江流曲折,稱之江,又稱浙江,省 ...

  5. 2023年6月26日 · Situated on China’s eastern coastal area and to the south of the Yangtze Delta, Zhejiang is the province with the most islands in China, with more than 3,000 islands along its coast. What’s more, it borders the modernized international metropolis, Shanghai, to the northeast, which can be easily reached either by bus or train.

  6. China, Asia. It's Hángzhōu, the handsome capital city, that lands Zhèjiāng (浙江) on many a traveller's itinerary. Home to picture-perfect landscapes of classical Chinese beauty (and just a short train ride from Shànghǎi), Hángzhōu is the obvious highlight. Yet the province offers so much more.

  7. 1 Hangzhou (杭州市) – Zhejiang's capital, former capital of China, China's busiest destination for domestic tourism, famous for tea, silk and the great West Lake. 30.866667 120.1. 2 Huzhou (湖州市) – borders Lake Tai to its south, includes the historic district of Anji. 29.866667 121.55. 3 Ningbo (宁波市) – former treaty port ...

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