雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. D. 投訴機制. 投訴人可帶同告票或繳付定額罰款通知書到任何一間警署或中央交通違例檢控組查詢櫃檯,填寫查詢或投訴表格。. 有關違例泊車告票的投訴﹐會轉交中央交通違例檢控組第4組人員調查,而有關超速及其他違例駕駛告票的投訴﹐則交由檢控組第3組 ...

  2. Legal Aid Scheme for criminal cases Legal Aid Scheme for criminal cases is run by the Legal Aid Department. The Legal Aid Department will assign qualified solicitors or barristers in private practice to provide legal representation in criminal cases to eligible ...

  3. 根據《道路交通(公共服務車輛)規例》(第374D章)第44條,任何人無合理辯解而違反 第56 (2)條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$2,000。 司機的一般行為. 根據《道路交通(公共服務車輛)規例》(第374D章)第45 (1)條,與公共巴士司機和的士司機類似, 公共小巴司機 :- 須有禮貌及守規矩; 保持個人整潔及衣著適當; 如車上有乘客,不得在車內或車上吸烟; 須採取一切合理預防措施,以確保車內或車上或上落的乘客的安全; 須確保車輛所有出口,包括緊急出口,不受阻礙,以及當車上有乘客時,該等出口不被鎖上; 如穿著制服的警務人員或交通督導員或任何經警務處處長授權的人提出要求,須提供其姓名及地址,及僱用他的持證人或車主的姓名及地址的詳情;

  4. 根據《 道路交通 (公共服務車輛)規例 》 ( 第374D章) 第53條 ,任何人發現意外遺留在公共小巴的失物,須立即將失物以拾獲時的原狀交給該車司機或獲授權人,而該司機或獲授權人須按照本規例處理該失物。. 查視有否失物:. 根據《 道路交通 (公共服務車輛)規例 ...

  5. Basic Legal Knowledge The rule of law Sources of law in Hong Kong Criminal proceedings vs civil proceedings Solicitors vs Barristers Brief introduction on the ...

  6. A spent conviction is a conviction which, under the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance ( Cap. 297) (“RHO”), is, subject to some exceptions, ignored after a specified period of time. The objective of the RHO is to allow offenders to put a past mistake behind them. When a conviction has become “spent” under the RHO ...

  7. 1. What is the financial means test? 2. The case merits test for Civil Legal Aid 3. Do I need to pay anything for Legal Aid service for civil cases? 4. Do I need to pay my opponent's legal costs if I lose in the proceedings? 5. Can I choose a lawyer I trust to represent

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